Satria fu 150 Modifikasi
Motor suzuki modifikasi dengan arna polos yang terlihat lebih minimalis dan sedikit meninggalkan kesan standard untuk beritanya silahkan dilihat gambar dan artikelnya di bawah ini semoga membantu anda dalam memilih modifikasi untuk motor satria fu 150 anda yoshimura satria fu
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Today, he wants to hunt for pretty girls with Satria FU Modification simple. What else if not the engines must also amend cute dress! "Said M. Nursalim, SMAD students who remain in the area Pulungan Panda.
Doi dressed her Suzi necessarily by Satria FU-ENS-style race style community Emang again at the height of the jargon of the pandas. Penggarapannya completed by the head of fertile great concept Emang Tholethat are particularly specialized in the style of everyday design changed.
The legs of the figure is cast immediately closed wheelnya then radios eks artificial settingannya R. Tromol Satria support Shogi stern and 125 for the front. "The selection of Suzuki products more ex mengampangkan Tromol coz we have the same mount new Satria F Modif both reverse and hub-bushingnya" Fertile simple.
Reaffirming accent, racing wheel racing wheel Almu dicangkoki follow U-shaped profile of the circumference of the tire coupled cungkring 215-17. Moreover, manage projects digencarkan finished with a total framework of lime metallic green to compete with more and more sweet aura.
Body setnya stained white test had an additive effect, with tones of pearl start caution. Looks increasingly attractive little when keresikan supported his body color and chrome shine in some sudutnya.tito Titan
New Satria Fu Specification MODIF
Ass: TDR, BAN: Mizzle-Swallow, Mango: Ride It, GAS: Bungbon, Grip: Moto GP, the coil: Ride It, Step: Posh, CAT: Lumina white gold, chrome: chrome Bangil AB, modifier: Concept Thole, Pandan Jl.Ry Cow Statue, rear engine by Yan Fertil.