Info Suzuki Thunder 125 Klop bianget

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Suzuki Thunder 125 

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Suzuki Thunder 125 Adventure Bike

Suzuki Thunder 125 Adventure BikeSuzuki Thunder 125 Adventure Bike - Photo credit by

Moment of the Jakarta Fair (PRJ) 2011 utilized PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS) to showcase Suzuki Thunder 125 modified or custom. The concept is a motorcycle that carried a true explorer or adventure with the white-black color. It looks more attractive and dashing to the use of rear and side box box.

To support the concept of a true explorer iron horse, the changes seen also with 17-inch alloy wheels wrapped in 120/70/17 size Battlax tires in front and 130/70/17 in the rear. Because of the wide-tread tires standard on the front fender forces ousted by a custom model.

Interestingly, the shape of the headlights replaced with the headlights. Body wrapped in black material resembling berkelir fairing. Thunder tongkrongan increasingly stout bone with the presence of a round pipe that sticks on the left-and right windshield. Standard steering handlebars removed and then replaced the following AHRS Fat Bar Raiser her.

For mechanical heart still use 125 cc engine capacity, but has experienced a renewal. Reportedly this machine into a standard kitchen runway Thunder 125 the latest. Intrigued by the macho Suzuki Thunder 125? Just come to the Suzuki booth at PRJ 2011, which lasted up to 10 July.